Evil Ronald McDonald

McDonalds is perhaps the most recognized fast food chain ever. It was introduced in the early 1950s, and their burgers are still mentioned to this very day. Sure, their greasy foods aren't good for you, but it's still delicious to eat. But, then came Ronald McDonald. He is a pedophile clown who is the mascot for Mcdonalds. He may appear to be a normal mascot, but inside of him is a great evil. Actually, in every commercial of the fast food palace, he is never allowed a single bite of any burger or fry.
It slowly grew over time, until it eventually broke free. He keeps begging the employees for just one bite, but all they say is "Get the fuck away from me, you pedo!". His sanity finally broke free, one day. Ronald saw a young girl eating some fries, and he had an idea. "Hey, little girl. You want some candy?" he asked. "Yeah. It better be Mike and Ikes!" she exclaimed. Ronald led the girl out to the back, with an evil smile on his face. "Well, where's the candy?" she whined. He suddenly pulled out a chair from the dumpster, tied her up, and put duct tape over her mouth. She started screaming for help, but the employees were lazy and didn't want to come out there. "I'm so sick of you and those damn brats, always eatin' up my food." he told her as Ronald grabbed a moldy green burger out of the dumpster and yanked the duct tape off. "You like burgers, don't you? WELL BOMBS AWAY, YOU BURGER BITCH!!" Ronald shouted. Then, he shoved the moldy Big Mac down the girls throat, followed by a ton of other moldy, green, crusty chicken sandwiches. The poor little girl couldn't speak, as she was stuffed to her throat.
The clown was laughing maniacally. "UUUAHAHAHAAHAHH! Oh, and you also like candy?" he asked crazily as the bastard grabbed a handful of sleeping pills painted various colors. "Well, here you go, CANDY CUNT!!". He shoved the sleeping pills down the terrified girl's throat. She started to drift off. After she fell asleep, Ronald threw her in the dumpster. He ran off, after another victim.
The next day, a little boy kept drinking the pop, as there is free refills. Ronald saw this, and he became pissed. He ran up to the little boy, who was about to get another cup. "Hi, little boy. Do you want a happy meal?". The little boy's eyes went wide with excitement. "Then follow me!" Ronald chided. He lead the boy to the bathroom, which was completely empty. "Where is the happy meal?" he asked. Ronald turned around. "Oh, you won"t be smiling after this!". He opened a happy meal box, and pulled out a straw with a razor blade at the end. Ronald cut open the boys throat, poured Root Beer into the open wound, and scooped out the boy's eyes with a spoon. The crazy clown then stuffed two large fries down the boys eye sockets, along with chicken nuggets. "You also forgot your toy!" he snarled as a plastic Mario was shoved up the boys ass. The little boy was later found in a pond not too far from Mcdonalds, with an order bag covering his face.
Ronald McDonald is a menace to kids. Beware as you go to Mcdonalds, as you could easily be targeted next by him...